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Graphic recording or live illustration is the cherry on the top of your event, an added extra value that makes your participants engaged and excited!

Graphic Recording 

This is how it looks like!

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You can make a bigger impact with visuals!


It gives space for attendees to interact and feel more connected to the event!

Pssst, they often share details of the recording on their social media platforms!

It creates excitement and therefore boosts communication and interaction among attendees!

It breaks down complex topics into simple images and supports remembering!

Don’t forget, about 60% of people are visual thinkers; they pick up information by seeing it!

What to expect?

Working together can be easy,
no pig in a poke! 

Check out the steps that make my customers happy and satisfied- no unnecessary rounds, detailed information and continuous availability!



Have a call to agree on all the details


Live illustration in real-time


Guiding through the recording of your attendees at your event


Digitalised files sent to you on the same day as your event

I always keep in mind to...


set up the colour and style together to compliment your brand,

gather all the information before the event so that I can capture more of the happenings,

be on time and arrive prepared,

do the after-editing to make sure you get what you ordered,

bring my best version to your event- keep a good mood, have a positive vibe and stay professional!

Happy Costumers.

Red Cross International Logo
Youth Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the Field o
EuroAsian Startup Awards Logo.jpg
European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education.png
Estonian National Agency Logo.webp


Képernyőfotó 2023-04-18 - 17.43.58.png

Hi, I'm Dotyi!

I’m a natural visual thinker and professional illustrator, studying visual representation and illustrating at the Metropolitan University of Budapest, Hungary.

I got into professional live illustrating and graphic recording five years ago.

Five years ago, as an international youth leader and facilitator, I participated in a 'Training of Trainers' course in Estonia. During the course, we were tasked with presenting our respective organizations. To enhance my presentation, I quickly sketched a treasure map of our adventurous activities and victories for our local communities. The trainers and participants loved it, and they asked if I would like to try graphic recording at an upcoming event. I eagerly accepted the opportunity, and since then, I have been working hard to improve my skills.

Now, as a Lead Project Strategist with MeOut and an active member of my local youth community, I enjoy utilizing my information-transforming skills to support youth groups and local initiatives. Combining my passion for youth work and illustration has allowed me to make a stronger impact and create bigger waves.

Check out my lovely organisation!


I'm all for saving the planet!

I’m trying to be eco-conscious and eco-friendly while working. It is easy to create a lot of trash while being an illustrator, so I find paying attention to my choices essential. I always try to travel by green travel when going to events, using public transportations, shared cars or trains. I make most of my notes on the iPad to save paper. On live events, I work with brands that support reusable materials and refillable pens- all materials I surround myself with are non-toxic. I’m always that challenging attendee who needs a vegetarian meal.


I know there is room for improvement, but I’m trying to get better every day.


Get in Touch.

Tell me about your upcoming event, ask me your questions and let’s figure out what I can do for you.
 Is your event last minute? No worries, I’ll answer in less than 24 hours! 

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Thanks for getting in touch! :)

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